Now that it is official 2024 elections are final and completed. Wether things went the way you'd plan or didn't go the way you planned or a little bit of both either way. Now is not the time to relax completely, it's time to stay vigilant watch the candidates you voted for, watch how they conduct themselves whether or not they do what they said they are going to do, and be the candidate they said they're going to be. There's a lot of political pressure in the ring intimidation, confusion, being put on the hot seat, manipulation, and a list of others.
They're going to be new topics old topics that are going to be placed on the table that our politicians will be faced with.that Paying attention to these items as they come along we need to ask ourselves and educate our self. You also need to ask yourself are these items that are on the table for conversation, right for you, right for others, right for the community, and right for the state as a whole. Politics is an interesting topic, you don't have to put 100% of your time into it, but pay enough attention to it so you understand what is coming at you and coming down the pipeline.
One more thing I want to add as Wyoming residence that we need to push for, is more transparency with our government and lawmakers of what they want to accomplish and why they want to accomplish it. These individuals are in this position because we put these individuals there we got to make sure that they are honest and truthful, and that they're doing the job that they said they were going to do but, we still need to pay attention to what's being done for us and making sure it's done properly
Spot on!